Is there something that stops you from putting yourself out there in the world? Something you wish weren’t the case or that you could overcome?
What I’m about to admit might seem trivial. But it’s really not. It has everything to do with how we want to be perceived by others and what we, ourselves, view as ‘good enough’. So, here it is:
I suck at taking good photos of my art.
And it holds me back from sharing my work far too often.
I’ve read tutorials, I’ve practiced, I’ve clicked and deleted. I can SEE the photo I want to take in my minds-eye. I see the sun coming in a certain way and I think, yah, that will be good. But it’s usually not.
I’ve even put the friggin’ succulent next to my piece just like the other Instagrammers.
Truth is, I find my pieces (especially my tapestries) hard to photograph. They are long and lanky and hard to fit in the perfect square dimensions that so much social media calls for. I don’t like spending precious time styling them on the right wall, in the right light condition. But I know that if I want people to see what I make, I have to take pictures of it and share it. Even if the photos aren’t that great.
So, instead of fretting any longer about the perfect picture, I’m starting my own campaign to #sharetheuglystufftoo and acknowledge that sometimes #goodartbadphotos happen.
Here are some highlights (lowlights)!

I also want to acknowledge that the idea for this came partially from a mother/artist collective I am a part of. We have been working towards a group show under the theme ‘I’ll only show you the good parts” inspired by Ree Morton. More on that to come in future posts.
I’m going to keep up the conversation on this over on Instagram, so tune in and follow me for more there. And join my movement by taking off your own filter of what is ‘good enough’ and letting it all hang out – the good, bad and completely sh**ty!
– Carmen xo