Have you ever tried doing something regularly for more than, like, one day? Meditation, yoga, running, journalling, not letting your kids watch the iPad. You get the idea.
If you have succeeded in getting to the coveted 28 days of doing something (they say this is the sweet spot when something becomes more routine and therefore you are more likely to keep going with it), you have likely had that feeling of accomplishment that drives you forward and keeps you going with it. Good for you!
But if it takes 28 days to establish a new routine or build a muscle then what’s with all this hype about a #100dayproject?
The thought of doing a #100dayproject has actually appealed to me for quite awhile. Though I have succeeded in creating all kinds of new skills over the years through hours of dedication, I’ve never tried to do something consistently for 100 days straight. At least I don’t think I have.
To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure that I can commit to a full 100 days. That sounds like a scary amount of time. That’s over 3 months long!
But then I listened to this short, sweet podcast and it greatly encouraged me.
1. Doing anything for more than one day, one hour, one minute (my life right now) is good for building the muscle we need to make our ideas reality.
2. If I say I’m going to do something and then tell you that I am, I’m more likely to do it.
3. I need to carve out more deliberate and consistent time every day to be creative, which actually translates into more ME time! Hurrah!
4. Channeling my creative energies on a daily basis may help me make new and interesting art.
I think I’ll start this week and share on IG. We’ll see how many days I actually end up committing to. Any guesses? Wanna join me?
My (recently completed) #WIP
I finally completed not one, but TWO sister weavings. I wove them side by side on my big floor loom. You might remember seeing the blue one in other blog posts and on my IG. I kept with a similar colour palette for the 2nd one so that I can eventually hang them side by side. I will share the finished installation when complete. I haven’t decided whether to sell them yet but if I do, you will be the first to know when they are available in my Etsy shop.

Me in Print!
I’m in Uppercase Magazine this quarter! If you’ve never seen this luscious publication, you really must find yourself a copy and sink into it. It is packed with beautiful photos, amazing ideas and inspiration ‘for the creative and curious’. I’m so proud to have a little shout-out in a feature in current Issue 46 called ‘Scrap Happy’! It’s all about my fibre art emphasis on upcycled and reclaimed fibre and textiles. Check it out on select newsstands or by subscribing here. #uppercaselove

I’d love to see you over on Instagram and if you make it there, please leave me a reply to any of my posts. It’s great hearing what you have to say.
– Carmen xo